Attendance & Dismissal Information
Our primary goal is to keep our little Eaglets learning in person.
If your child will not be attending school, please leave a message for our attendance office: (914) 793-6130 ext. 5503For other attendance-related questions, please contact:
Attendance, Arrival & Dismissal Procedures
- School Hours
- Lateness Procedure
- Robocalls: Absences without Notification to School
- Doctor's Note: Three or More Days Consecutive Absences
- Student Return to School after Illness/Injury
- Arrival and Dismissal Procedure
- Change in Dismissal Plan
- Change in Dismissal: Pick- Up During the School Day
- Emergency Dismissals
- Emergency Contact Information
School Hours
Lateness Procedure
Robocalls: Absences without Notification to School
Doctor's Note: Three or More Days Consecutive Absences
Student Return to School after Illness/Injury
Arrival and Dismissal Procedure
Change in Dismissal Plan
Change in Dismissal: Pick- Up During the School Day
Emergency Dismissals
Emergency Contact Information
Kathryn Mcgrath, RN, Waverly School Nurse
Phone: 914-793-6130 ext. 5509
Fax Number: 914-787-2344